Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Cabin fever

So Monday morning rolls around, the first full school week of he year. It was also the first day back at work for John after his surgery.
So my first day on my own in over 7 weeks! I loved it, I did what I wanted, when I wanted and in total quietness lol
So fast forward to Wednesday and the fact that being a one car family now, im without transport. I so getting cabin fever! There is only so much scrapping you can do to keep occupied during a day, I really need to get outside this house or at least talk to another adult besides John lol

So anyways...

My creations..
This one for the Alpha challenge over at Scraptastic.

These 2 for challenges at Mystical.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally love your "L"!!! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.

  3. I can understand the cabin fever thing!!! I get like that during school holidays!
    I love the first layout!!!

  4. thanks for your nice comment-love the climb layout and very cool L.

  5. Anonymous5:44 pm

    ohh your L is gorgeous

    (as are the layouts - but the purple just POPS out at me LOL)

  6. Wow Lis I love your L the Colours are divine.

    Take Care,
    Check out our Forum!

  7. Cabin fever sucks.
    I am totally feeling you right now.
    Im hoping by this weekend I wont be as sick so I can get out.
    Love your L, way cute!
