A little trip down memory lane of what our year was like.
We started the year of with everyone taking bets on who would be the first hospital visit for 2015 (everyone expecting it to be Daniel) they were all wrong it was John. Dan had a minor car accident and although his car suffered damage he didn't.
We celebrated Australia day with the obligatory BBQ and game of cricket, the footy season started and there went our weekends. Both boys playing together this year with John in charge of keeping all 3 teams fit and healthy again.
There were coffee and craft dates and the odd (ok many) thrift store trips. Over the year there were 3 funerals of family and dear friends which is always hard.
Perhaps the biggest event of the year was the birth of our first grandchild, gorgeous baby Chayse was born and we were smitten.
John had a trip to Tasmania to help his dad move into a nursing home, Jay got a new job and then later in the year was made full time. He also got his licence which meant no more ferrying boys around for me!!
Jayden had his last doctors visit after a 13 year journey and was deemed ok to be drug free.
We had to move house which was no easy task during the middle of footy season, Josh entered his first strongman competition and came first!
John worked the Uni games again this year getting softball - a few more years and he will almost have covered all the sports!
There were birthdays to celebrate, trips to the beach and fishing as well as a few camping weekends. Josh and Ash moved to the Sunshine coast which was sad but exciting.
I took my photography skills a little further than just footy games this year doing a few formal photo shoots and a family one.
We had a lovely Christmas celebrating with all the family and especially out little mans first Christmas. My baby boy turned 18, I am now officially the mum of all adult children.
We finished the year celebrating with Christine and her family at the RSL.
Sp whilst we had a few not great moments the year was filled with lots of great family moments and always lots of love.
Thanks for visiting
Lis :)
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