Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What I wore Wednesday

Blotoberfest 2011 - day 12

is Wednesday and that means an outfit share. Nothing special today, im trying to sort out this place and organise boxes in preparation for moving. Hence the no shoes im inside and I never wear shoes inside.

Pants - op shop (cple years ago)
White singlet - Tempt
Khaki tank - op shop

If you would like to see more What I wore Wednesday posts and check out what the other ladies are wearing then click on the links on my side bar. I fyou want to join in with us then just leave me a link to your blog :)

Cheers Lis


  1. Ahh...cargo pants.....personal fav outfit of mine too....although mine got a little firm...but might be back to feeling ok now.
    Mardi x

  2. Love your outfit! So nice and comfy looking!

  3. You look nice. And I see you still have the weather to wear no sleeves. We're wearing jackets already over here. :)
