Monday, August 31, 2015

September Creative Goals

Its that time again where I set all my creative goals for the month ahead. August was a bit of a non event for creative goals with the move and unpacking, but I did get a little crocheting done of a night.
I have a few birthday's coming up that I need to make gifts for and I would like to get a bit of a start on Christmas gifts!

 So here are my creative goals for September

Sophie's Universe blanket part 10
Two birthday gifts (cant mention what they are as the ladies receiving them might read)
Jot Mood Board
Scrap the Boys
Journal catch up
Three birthday cards

After a month of hardly being creative I'm going to leave this list as is and see how i go and maybe will get more done if I'm super motivated and organised.

Thanks for visiting
Lis :)


  1. Suzan4:06 pm

    Best wishes and I hope you achieve your goals.
