Sunday, January 20, 2008


Sunday... the day of rest and relaxation right ? it better be after sitting up till 3.30am this morning watching Leighton win his match at the Australian Open tennis, and then being woken at 9am by my lovely son.. Im already for a day that wont demand to much out of me lol.

Just a couple of layouts to share...

This one for a challenge at Mystical.

and this one - not my usual style, but was fun to do - for OLW the word this week was "still". I thought about this for awhile, and there were so many options I could of gone with, but chose learning, because in every aspect of my life im still learning in some way.



  1. Anonymous2:10 pm

    Very cool blog-- I love the title. :) Thanks for stopping by ours (Two Writing Teachers) & leaving a comment. Love you "In the Moment" layout -- I think I'll try something with buttons like you did.

    BTW -- So strange to think of you (around the globe) sitting at a tennis match, while I'm shivering by my fireplace all day long! :)

    Ruth from Two Writing Teachers

  2. Great layouts Lisa!!!!!

  3. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Lisa. Love the first layout. I love green. The way you used the buttons is great :)

  4. Great layouts! Love what you did with the word STILL!

