Saturday, December 22, 2012

Its beginning to look like an Aussie Christmas

The Christmas season is here and every year we all try to get that perfect christmas photo of the kiddies. Im sure that you will all agree with me that this is one of the most frustrating tasks ever. Over the years I have cajoled and bribed and still not ended up with a decent photo.
This year however I told the boys that I wanted at least one decent photo, it was their choice where/when/how we did the photos. To my surprise Sunday afternoon Josh arrived home and said can we do the christmas photos now, in the pool!!!!
Hell yes, when they are keen you go with it lol it helped ALOT that his GF Ashleigh wanted shots for her family as well. Gotta love the girlfriends :)

So after editing and culling around 900 photos here are a few of my favourites.

This would of made a fantastic christmas card, but by this stage I had already made and sent my cards for this year.

How do you get your kids to agree to chrismtas photos and what cute ways have you taken them, please share would love to see.

Thanks for stopping by.
Lis :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Super cute! Yes, perfect for a Christmas card!
